Jupyter Notebook Continuous Deployment Architecture

Continuous Deployment of Jupyter Notebooks

This is a guide on how to use AWS CodePipeline to continuously deploy Jupyter notebooks to an S3-backed static website. Overview Since I started using EMR Studio, I’ve been making more use of Jupyter notebooks as scratch pads and often want to be able to easily share the results of my research. I hunted around for a few different solutions and while there are some good ones like nbconvert and jupytext, I wanted something a bit simpler and off-the-shelf....

 · 4 min
stacked rocks on a beach, credit: https://flic.kr/p/LhbFfr

Big Data Stack with CDK

I wanted to write a post about how I built my own Apache Spark environment on AWS using Amazon EMR, Amazon EKS, and the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). This stack also creates an EMR Studio environment that can be used to build and deploy data notebooks. Disclaimer: I work for AWS on the EMR team and built this stack for my various demos and it is not intended for production use-cases....

 · 9 min